How Stress & Indigestion Are Impacting Your Bottom Line & What You Can Do About It

Stress & indigestion

Did you know that stress decreases your digestive potential?

When we are in fight or flight all day long, our body struggles to produce digestive juices, which are only efficiently produced in our parasympathetic rest and digest mode.


Bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion, lots of burping or tooting and - one that rarely gets spoken about -- silent GERD (Gastro-esophageal reflux disease).

GERD manifests itself differently in everyone but these are the most common symptoms:

  • Constant lump in your throat that won't clear, so you always feel like you have to clear your throat

  • Hoarse voice

  • Chronic dry cough

  • Nausea

  • Excessive salivation

  • Bad breath

During Session 1 of my Corporate Wellness Coaching for Leaders, I give leaders the tools they need to improve their digestive potential and reduce symptoms of indigestion - like those mentioned above.


  • Indigestion decreases energy and negatively impacts productivity. The post-lunch slump last on average 3hrs. That is a lot of lost productivity!

  • Indigestion leads to nutrient deficiencies that then cause other health risks to manifest over time, e.g. thyroid disease. Do you really want your claims risk to increase?

  • Indigestion plus chronic stress leads to irritable bowel. Canada has one of the highest prevalences of irritable bowel in the world! 70% of people say their symptoms interfere with their daily life and 46% of people need to skip work. Another way that stress leads to sick days and more claims costs.

  • It is not uncommon for clients who struggle with digestive issues to also struggle with their self-esteem and positivity. That’s no suprise because our gut is a major focal point for the creation of neurotransmitters like serotonin (our happy hormone). So when our digestion & gut health are sub-optimal so is our self-belief in our ability to perform at our highest potential.

If we don't give leaders the tools they need to empower their digestion - you will have more sick days, less productivity and more claims risk.

You will also have leaders who don’t truly believe in their potential. Leaders who don’t truly believe in themselves, don’t take risks. No risk = no growth.


Reach out today and let's get your leaders thriving!

A former capital markets banker, Cristina Tahoces is a nutritional therapist and owner of Thrive Nutrition Practice, a global online wellness business that helps corporate leaders be more physically & mentally resilient to stress. She shared her nutritional approach on the TEDx stage in 2017 as part of the TED Women’s Global Conference. She is a sought-after expert speaker & panelist on burnout, women’s post-natal wellness & metabolic health.